Sunday, March 28, 2010

The conflict between Adhaalath and President Over Islamic Issues

The President has a developed a habit of making a statement or two about Islam in his Friday address to the nation.And Adhaalath party is in need of a software which which will auto create a press release condemning president's statements.By software I mean,the contents of these press releases are almost identical except for the subject matter raised by the president.A software can create a new spin every week by replacing a few words.

Jokes aside,there are important points which need to be realised

1.The president is on a mission to position himself as a 'moderate Muslim ruler' who wants to join the international bandwagon of 'Islamic reform'.By making a statement here and there about Islam,he is forcing the public to debate about Islam.And the fact that the loyalty for the party is so strong among MDP supporters,they find it extremely difficult to disagree with the president or condemn him.Whatever little criticism that is targeted against him is of the watered down type which depicts him as an innocent guy who is under a lot of pressure from a few rotten apples,which is simply not true because of the following facts:

a)Sula Shiraaz incident
b)Establishing relations with Israel
c)Appointment of a Christian Maldivian woman to a post in president's office
d)His mention of Islamic penal code
e)His mention of permitting places of worship for non-Muslims

Dont you all see a pattern here?

2.Adhaalath party,by responding to the president's statements, in the watered down tone and apologetic style is trying to maintain its image of an Islamic party so that some of their scholars can sell few speech CDs.This party is also used to quell any opposition to the government.By releasing these shallow and abstract press releases Adhaalath wants to remind people that they have already condemned the government and other political parties need not say a word. Brand hijacking in its best form.

So its a win win situation for both the president and Adhaalath. While the president receives accolades for creating doubt about Islam's suitability Adhaalath party can still appear as the champions of Islam

Conversation with a intellectual drug addict

Recently I had a discussion with an intellectual drug addict who claims that 'there was no democracy during Maumoon's rule'.I consider this guy as an intellectual because he is university educated and yet let others do the the thinking for him.And I consider him a drug addict because of the contradictory statements he makes during the conversation.Just like the drug addict who cant stand straight,this guy cannot make a single rationally coherent statement.Hence he is considered an intellectual drug addict.

The druggy : Anni has brought democracy by ending Maumoon's monarchy

Me: Hold on for a second mate,what is the definition of democracy?

Druggy : It is the rule of people,elections,...etc

Me: If that is indeed the definition of democracy,I need to remind you that elections have taken place in Maldives for a long time.So where is the monarchy?

Druggy: I agree that elections existed in Maldives.But they were rigged.Thats why I am saying that democracy was absent in Maumoon's rule

Me: Ok,let me ask you a question if you dont mind

Druggy : Shoot

Me: Do you have a father?

Druggy: Yes I do

Me:Does he fit the description of a good father? I mean does he fulfill his duties as a father in the best manner he can?

Druggy: Hmm.Whats the point ?

Me: Just answer the question

Druggy: Well,to be honest,he is a lousy father who is careless about his duties,does not care about the family and I have not seen him for a long time.

Me:But he is still considered your father?

Druggy: Yes he is my father.But not a good father.

Me:Good or bad is not the issue here.Do you agree that he is your father?

Druggy : Yes I agree.I cant say I am a fatherless child.

Me: Using the same analogy,do you agree that your definition of democracy existed even in Maumoon's period.Rigged election or not is another issue.

Druggy : Are you a supporter of Maumoonu ?

Me: Answer my question.

Druggy : I dont want to talk you anymore


The meaning of democracy is not simply about holding elections.It refers to a system of governance where humans decide whats right and wrong.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Islamic Aqeedah

The Islamic Ummah has suffered a catastrophic decline which has led to its continuous humiliation and mankind's degradation. One of the major reasons for this severe downfall was the Muslim's lack of understanding of the Islamic belief and how to arrive at it correctly. While many had adopted the Islamic belief (Aqeedah) on a hereditary basis, some had also adopted it from a purely spiritual and emotional angle i.e. 'Islam gave them a good sense of morals and guidelines'. Such misconceptions and misunderstandings weakened the Muslim's resolve and forced Islam to appear on a par with other 'religious' beliefs which were based on the pursuance of tradition and the blindness of 'faith'. This downward spiral of intellectual backwardness continued within the Islamic Ummah as they hopelessly tried to prove Islam by erroneous methods such as the Quran's compatibility with scientific discoveries, pseudo intellectual interfaith debates and 'hijras' to tomatoes, pears and forests which supposedly bared Allah SWT's name. As a consequence of wallowing in this mire of diminished self-confidence, Muslims and non-Muslims alike failed to perceive the true nature of Islam and its intellectual basis. Moreover alien terms such as 'faith' came to be introduced to Islam and used readily, despite Islam's rejection of such a concept and its demand for firm Iman (decisive belief). The concept of faith i.e. a trust or blind willingness to accept became commonly and deliberately misinterpreted as Iman. This was one of many attempts to deracinate the Islamic Aqeedah from the hearts and souls of the Muslims and to banish it to the dark annals of history.
